Scientific Instruments أجهزة بحث علمي

For the last 10 years, Bethlehem for computer & instrument company

( BIC) have been modified and expanded to provide the PNA Areas with the most performance and efficiency to accomplish goals. This has been achieved owing to the proficiently and hard work.

BIC based in Bethlehem City but our activities have reached most of the Palestinian cities  

When it comes to quality BIC is the leader. 

We are the extension of our mother organization in Saudi Arabia

We represent many international and a will known in the filed of analysis like “ Malvren, Foss, EDT.EKA, CAPP. SY-LAB , SCO Germany  

Some of our clients: ministry of education , World vision, Technology Transfer Association (TTA), AL-qudis University, Ministry of health. research center in  Jericho  .